N.B.: As of 1-1-2019 I will no longer accept new clients, due to my retirement. I will remain available for questions from existing clients.
In a philosophical practice you exchange and debate with your philosophical counselor views on issues of a wide variety. As a visitor to this practice you are a client, not a patient.
In this exchange of views the client with his or her questions is the determining factor. The philosopher acts as a sounding board. The counselor fully respects the autonomy and self-determination of his client.
With our life, also the end of life is given. As human beings we are aware of this. And more and more, choices have to be made concerning the end of life. Sometimes we want to make these choices, sometimes we have to make them. We may feel forced to make them and look for the appropriate liberty to do so. We need to learn to make these choices. And nowadays not to choose equally means: choosing.
This theme of the options that are open to us in view of the approaching end of life, against a background of wishing to acquire and retain control and autonomy over the end of life, is the specialty within the philosophical practice ‘Ninewells’.
To the basic options that are open to us in this situation, pertain:
The wish and right to know, and an equal wish and right not to know; refusal of treatment; finishing treatment; palliative care and palliative sedation; stay in a hospice; terminal sedation; physician-euthanasia; self-euthanasia.
There are several ways of gaining control and self-determination or autonomy over the end of life in the shape of self-euthanasia:
-by the voluntary refusal of food and drink, carefully prepared and carefully guided;
-by suitable lethal medication or a suitable lethal combination of medication.
The philosopher and counselor can be of help in reaching a clear, careful and deliberate decision in these matters and, if it would come to that, a careful and well-considered and well-prepared execution of the self-euthanasia.
The counselor fully respects the privacy of his client and shares none of the information exchanged with third parties, except with the explicit consent of the client.
To make an appointment for a consultation:
Dr. A. G. Vink, philosophical counselor, member of the V.F.P.
Address: Ommershofselaan 10; 6881 RT Velp, Netherlands.
Tel. practice:
E-mail: or
Personal consultation by appointment: €100,-
Consultation at home: €100,- plus expenses for travel & time.
For a consultation 60 to 90 minutes are available.